Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Another web log begins...

Another web log begins.


I know, just what the world needs - another blog;
another geyser spouting on about personal feelings,
or other such ramblings, on a daily basis!

Another man wronged by woMan, or fellow man.

Another boy who can't seem to understand another Girl.

A N Other who can't "just get along"; can't just be wise,
compassionate, loving AND assertive.

There are, having said all that, hundreds and thousand
of blogs, some of them well-written and popular, on
every imaginable subject under the sun.

Examples? (I love that line from Pulp Fiction.)

How about these blog beauties, then:


So why do we need another blog?

Well, my blog will be different. (Ho, ho!)

(Yes, I know I use too many brackets,
or parentheses. More lazy writing from N***.)

So what am I going to write about?

Well, let's wait and see...


1) Can I just say that the first version I wrote above
was much, much better but - you guessed it - my
browser hung, and it was all gawn!)

So guess what I'm going to do now.

Save as draft!

2) * Yes, I'm being lazy using the 'sunny' word.
Sorry about that Ms Sub-Ed. Forgive me?

Monday, November 21, 2005

Hello World!