but what to say?
How about a quick musing on the ease of misunderstanding?
I have placated, seduced, and utterly annoyed via the words I used in an email, a text message and even on instant messenger. And I'm not Mr Insensitive here, either. I actually consider the words I used very carefully (except for that one time, when a moronic co-worker sent me an email telling me, completely unapologetically and illiterately, that she
doesn't do emails. There was more, but I won't bore you. I am surprised I didn't get sacked or at least cautioned.)
Anyway, normally I
do emails, and I do them very well. But, well sometimes it's more or less impossible to make yourself understood.
I have observed this phenomenon on several occasions. (Yes they involved me, and yes that is a coincidence.)
Sometimes, people - and that includes me - just don't get it.
It's fascinating to observe it (if you can observe it, and don't get caught up in it).
So is it any wonder then.
Well, when you can get this kind of misunderstanding, and thus anger and resentment, from emails between friends or colleagues, is it any wonder (people) that the world is at freakin(*) war.
* God Bless America! Sorry, I meant to say God Bless
The Simpsons.
Oh, and if anyone's after a voice over artist. I know just the woman...