Elusive butterflies, windmills and song titles - Boring John, World According to

Monday, January 23, 2006

Elusive butterflies, windmills and song titles

Subject: The Lazy Curley Locks Bingley Goat!

'There are two primary choices in life: to accept conditions as they exist, or accept the responsibility for changing them.'

Denis WaitleyAuthor of The Psychology of Winning

That's a message from DW to BJ, MP and (definitely) MN.

Anyway, after trying to get my Sunday thoughts and ideas into some kind of well-argued shape, and failing, I've decided to give up on 22nd, January's efforts.

Why waste time "chasing elusive butterflies and fighting windmills" when I can so easily plagiarise the ideas of others instead.

You see, yesterday's missive has been replied to and somewhat neutered, with the usual brevity. Bravo.

So I'm going to simply type out the notes I made that early Sunday morning. I really should have better things to do, eh, on an early Sunday morning. But it seems that I didn't.

"Does it make you feel better?"

Does it make me feel better? Well, after having spent hours and hours and hours - a week's worth of hours, probably - in the last 24 months, trying to express myself, clearly and assertively, I can safely say that 'No! No, it doesn't make me feel better.'

Still, it is better than banging my head against the wall.


And it is better than doing nothing.

Is it? No, it probably isn't. Good point.

You know, I too am not good at cultivating friendships and relationships.

I try and try and try, but quite often all I seem to get is lashes of abuse (as if I were a fool).

And I don't want to take lashes from anyone (and that especially goes out to family and friends).

It truly bores me.

And I also make no apologies.

I'm glad we an agree on something. :-)

Okay, onward with the 'play secretary' routine...



Ten, count them, ten pages of notes have just been scrunched up and put into the paper-recyling bin. (Another of my 'organic requirements'.)

I don't have time. You won't read it with any interest. I have said almost everything I could possibly ever say.

Instead, what remains to be said, can be summed up in the following three sentences (Even Neruda would admire my mastery of brevity, if not my mastery of words.)

1) I never wanted to control; I never wanted to be controlled, either.

2) I am not interested in possession; I am interested in togetherness.

3) Adios(*); amiga.


(*) It seems that I'm not the only one who makes overblown (and empty?) gestures

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