Musical talent is the what? - Boring John, World According to

Friday, April 14, 2006

Musical talent is the what?

Ah, I see

(Will You always be more cleverer than me?)

Anyway, this issue will revert back to script which is all about... Issues.

Big issues and little issues.

You see, I have issues, it seems.

And I say "so what?". I continue "If you aint got issues, you aint livin, sista!"

Issues? Bring 'em on.

PS Finally -- the cry of all internet marketers everywhere, ha! -- the spell is broken. Now, should I choose to, I can start giving You the hard time I've been accused of doing for the last two years. Oh yes, I'ma get deliberate on your ass!(*)

* Actually, my favourite line from a Pulp Fiction full of favourite lines is by Marsellus Wallace, but it's this one: "Nah, man! I'm pretty fuckin' far from OK".

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