What's Wrong With Mr Anonymous? - Boring John, World According to

Friday, November 24, 2006

What's Wrong With Mr Anonymous?

Mr Anonymous Says...

You know that man that looked at you nicely the other day; your favourite lover, with that glint in his eye; your loving husband; that man you really thought it would work out with, but it didn't; that great male friend of yours; HIM!

Let's call HIM Mr Anonymous.

Well he has something to say to you, Mr Anonymous, are you listening?

He tells me that he loves you, cherishes you; respects you too, finds you sexy - that way that you do that thing. I know you don't believe him, but it's true.

You inspire him.

You inspire him to be stronger, more reliable; more committed to his life, his loves, his friends.

You inspire him to earn more, to care more and show respect; to communicate.

You inspire him to listen, to learn, to laugh and to trust. And he's never had as much fun as when you and he, y'know, squealed and squealed that day.

Thanks to you he loves to flaunt his smiling eyes and show off his body - the firm bits as well as the soft bits.

You inspire him to share. You matter. To him. It's true!

You always have mattered, despite those troubled days, those lows, caused by unending argument; the ugly frowns, the sulky sighs.

He will never forget. You.

Make sure you keep on believing in him. Because he is out there, he really is.

He is not a perfect man (looking for a perfect woman) and he is not always that easy to understand, to read; but he is a real man, like you are a real woman.

A real person.

Mr Anonymous, Mr Real, he says 'hello!'. And he thanks you for remembering, if only for a moment; whichever moment you choose.

So who, again, is Mr A?

Well, he might be the first man you thought of as you read this. Or maybe he's the last person in the world you'd imagine him to be. Maybe you have yet to meet him; he may be waiting to bump into you on the street, right now.

Mr Anonymous is whoever you want him to be.

He's real.

He exists.

He says 'hello'.


Anonymous said...

There's nothing wrong with Mr.Anomymous,
as long as next time, or now, or whenever he can, he expects no mind-reading and he makes sure the lucky woman knows his heart.

Mss Anonymous (you know, the one who tried to wait, understand, guess his mind, be efficient and inspiring and gradually felt herself disappear into the bacground..)

Me said...

Mr Boring John says...

This is *not* about Mr Anonymous or even me, Boring John; it's meant to be about you. You and your Mr Anonymous (for he will be lucky too!).


Anonymous said...


Maybe 'he' should be called Mr 'does actually care but doesn't mention it at the time or in a way that we like or understand' lol

Methinks we are all to blame for how 'others' make us feel, and how ineffectively we communicate it for best effect.

Anonymous or not, we just have to 'hang' with the people that make us feel how we want to feel and accept that we can not change people into something they are not.

As the saying goes, the best fruit sits at the top of the tree, but in order to taste it you have to climb, and prune, and shake and pull yourself up. If you climb with care, the branches support your weight and help you get to the top, if you rush or trample or blindly hack your way up, the branches will break and you will fall on your arse from a great height

Don't blame the tree dude! HUG IT and HELP it grow!