Do We Deserve What We Get? - Boring John, World According to

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Do We Deserve What We Get?

Do we deserve what we get?

(Well do we?)

You know when you listen to a woman going on about the men that she meets in her life. On and on and on about how [crappy / ineffectual / controlling / weak / arrogant etc.] they are. And how come she can't meet a decent bloke (whatever decent is).

Do you roll your eyes in a slow circle like I do.

(Hey, I'm not bashing the so-called fairer sex here. Men that moan they only meet [bimbos / goldiggers / naggers / bitches / undersexed women / oversexed women etc.], they belong in this moan-piece too!) .

So, yeah, I roll my eyes, I smile. I might even go through the 'Agony Aunt' routine (I'm good at that, especially for a mere man!) and 'ooh' and 'ahh' and 'huh?' and 'NO!' and 'Really. Really! Really?' in all the right places.



Get a f*****n life, people!

You deserve what you get!

"Only blonde blue-eyed bimbos (who pretend to be thick) seem attracted to you? I wonder why."

"No!? You've met yet another man who turned out to be a 'narsty arrogant barstard'? No-oh? You don't say!"

"You're kidding? Again? You met another goldigger? She only loved you for the money (that you kept on slooshing around). Jeepers. That really is creepers!"

Okay, I'm bludgeoning home my point here.

But it is a subtle point I'm making, that affects discerning people (who really should know better, but don't).

Let's get personal for a while. I know a couple of really intelligent, clever, smart (aren't they all the same thing -ed) SEXY(!) women.

They moan.

A lot.

About the men they meet.

Either these men suddenly turn into arrogant monsters, or they're always meek as mice and never get past 'first base'. (I've never played baseball in my life - probably never will - so why do I use such American-centric expressions! How *leftfield* of me! Aaaargh!)

Okay, let's get really personal.

Why do I only ever meet sexually timid and repressed types who like sex but don't REALLY LIKE SEX!?

It's not that I don't meet sexy - far better than the horrible expression of over-sexed - women. I do. And they (obviously) bloody frighten me away.

So there I am, sulking on a Sunday morning because I want *it* and t'bloody missus (chance would be a fine thing) wants to get up and do chores or get up and go for a walk or get up and go rowing. But I know one thing, she doesn't want me to GET UP!

I've met the woman I want to be with. But something puts me off her.

So it's more than likely that the moaning minnies above have also met the men they'd like to be with too, but can't get past that indescribable annoyingness, weakness or whatever.

It's a shame. It really is.

So what solutions do I have?

Well, apart from getting all ranty and shouting 'STOP BLOODY MOANING ABOUT YOUR LOVE LIFE, MISSUS, AND DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT', all I can suggest is the following...

(And I say this, being a fan of Phil McGraw, he of Oprah Winfrey fame, as well as one that is involved in marketing.)

CHANGE what you're doing!

Yes, change what you're doing, people. It's the only way to get a different result.

Even better - and here's where the marketing principles come into it - change what you're doing, and measure the success or failure of that change; and then adjust accordingly.


Life is so simple.

(Of course you might just like moaning. Ah, that's the subject of another rant dear Reader!)

On a much loftier note (though I guess it is related to the above nonsense) I see a lot of trouble and strife in the world right now (twas ever thus, I know!).

I see a lot of misunderstanding, a lot of hate, a lot of intolerance, and (of course) a lot of fighting and killing and war.

What can *I* do about it all.

Well - and I've lined the punchline up beautifully (even if I say so myself) - to quote someone far greater than me (and I'm not talking about Oprah now), I can...

be the change I want to see in the world(*).

Amen to that.

Knock on the door, and that's the man you'll find.

Good night.

(And, for God's sake, stop moaning, sexy!)

(*) I always loved the opening quotes in Luc Beson's Subway
"To be is to do" - Socrates
"To do is to be" - Sartre
"Do be do be do" - Sinatra


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